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Cultivation Van Alphen Soft Fruit Plants

Because of the increasing risk of contamination of our material, by various diseases and pests, we have taken some strict hygiene measures. We take the delivery of healthy plant material very seriously. For this reason we have built a 15,000m² insect free glasshouse for the multiplication of SE-certified plants. The greenhouse has a glass deck, so the risk of infection by bacterial diseases (moisture condensation, irrigation) and root diseases are minimized.

Our guarantees

How can we help you?

Plant types

All the different plant types are raised with the utmost care for quality and hygiene within our company and are all derived from BM-2 mother plants.


Van Alphen is part of Fragaria Holland. Fragaria Holland BV wants to contribute to the success of strawberry growers by informing them about the growing techniques to obtain optimal results with the varieties they propagate and the varieties of Fresh Forward in particular.